Lieu: EPFL, Lausanne
Un event co-organisé par:
La robotique est en pleins expansion. Robots autonomes ou téléguidés, roulants ou volants, industriels ou sociaux, nous faisons le tour de la question en une série de présentations.
Programme :
16h30: Swisscom: pilotage de drones avec une intelligence centralisée [slides]
5G will enable a vast range of applications that were previously beyond the capabilities of both cellular and robotics technologies. The presentation will cover several use cases of 5G connected robots together with the Swisscom view towards this domain.
Orateur : Alexandru Rusu
Alexandru Rusu is currently leading the Swisscom IoT/5G Research Laboratory. He is the point of contact between the industry and the academia in the IoT and 5G field, where he runs industrial research projects together with the main faculties in Switzerland. His experience consists in more than 15 years in research and development in both academia and industry. Completing two PhDs in nano-technology, his work was published in numerous high-impact factor journals and papers.
16h55: Teleretail : automating industrial, urban and rural logistics
Orateur : Xenia Scholl
17h20: BlueBotics: autonomous navigation technology [slides]
BlueBotics provides a navigation solution based on lidar for automated guided vehicles (AGVs), which makes it easy to install and operate AGVs. With thousands systems in operation around the world, the company is positioning itself as one of the key solution providers in the exponentially growing market of material handling.
Orateur : Gaëtan Burri
Gaëtan Burri hold a Master degree in Microengineering at EPFL, majoring in Robotics and Autonomous Systems and a minor in Space Technology. He joined BlueBotics in 2015 as a System engineer and works in close contact with customers to help them integrating BlueBotics' technology into their AGVs.
17h45: Rovenso : an agile robots for security monitoring in any environment
What happens when robots go out of factories to monitor security and safety in challenging industrial environments? What are the challenges? What impact can we expect?
Orateur : Thomas Estier
Former researcher in field and space robotics, Co-founder of BlueBotics in 2001, Biz dev and then executive in the machine-tool industry, Deputy Vice-President for Innovation at EPFL, Thomas is now Co-founder and CEO of ROVENSO.
18h10: Fastree 3D : smart vision systems for intelligent automation
Fastree3D SA is a fabless semiconductor start-up aiming at introducing an intelligent and low cost sensor for integration in intelligent vehicles. Leveraging an EPFL's technology that led to 1 billion proximity sensors and several advanced medical devices, we have developed prototypes of the world's most integrated and miniature time of flight LiDARs. We are currently integrating these in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) as the automotive industry moves towards improved driver safety and autonomous cars.
Orateur : Claude Florin
Claude Florin is CEO of Fastree3D developing semiconductor vision sensors for automotive safety and autonomous robots. He has been a co-founder of 3- startups and supported over 30 early-stage technology ventures at Polytech Ventures and A3 Angels. His industry career at HP led to successful corporate ventures in the field of video, imaging for mobile telecommunications and medical devices. He has managed over 7 European cooperative R&D projects.
18h35: Cyberbotics : open source robotics simulation software [slides]
Cyberbotics développe depuis 23 ans le logiciel de simulation de robots mobiles Webots en collaboration avec l'EPFL. Ce logiciel est utilisé dans la recherche, l'enseignement et l'industrie: robotique, automobile, centrales nucléaires, agriculture, etc.
Orateur : Olivier Michel
Dr. Olivier Michel a crée la société Cyberbotics en 1998 suite à son post-doc à l'EPFL. Il dirige cette société depuis 21 ans : ventes de licences, projets de recherches académiques, mandats de développement industriels en simulation robotique, développement logiciel et technologies web (cloud).
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